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Chat and Email Specialist with Greek ( home office option )

Chat and email support with Slovenian

Logo of HRS Bulgaria EOOD

HRS Bulgaria EOOD

Chat and email support with Slovenian

1900 - 2400 BGN


Customer Satisfaction
Customer Service
Caring about customers
Customer Experience
Remote work

Remote work

Regular employment

0 - 2 years of experience

Full Time

Sofia, Bulgaria

Fully Remote Email Support Specialist with German and English (New Project)

Chat and Email Support with English & Greek

Fully remote Non-Voice Support Specialist with German & English

Non-voice Customer Support with German (Remote)

Technical Support Representative Level 1 with German (fully remote)

Non-voice Customer Support with German

Non-voice gaming Support with Czech (from Home)

Fully Non-Voice Support with Czech OR Slovak (Remote Work / night shifts)

Experienced Chat Support with Greek

Non-voice specialist with Polish (Remote position)

Experienced Chat and Email Support with Czech (night shifts / home office)

Chat and Email Specialist with Greek ( home office option )